In The News

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SRQ Daily: The Negative Effects of Inclusionary Housing

SRQ Daily: The Negative Effects of Inclusionary Housing

Inclusionary housing requires or incentivizes developers to set aside a portion of new housing units for low- or moderate-income residents. In Florida, local governments have explored inclusionary zoning as a way to increase affordable housing availability. It has been a recommendation from the Sarasota County Affordable Housing Advisory Committee in the past and was included in their report this year.

SRQ Daily: The Negative Effects of Inclusionary Housing

SRQ Daily: School Board Referendum Business Partners Love This Community

The School Board Referendum, the extra millage we pay on our property taxes to support our students and teachers, passed on Nov. 5 with 84.07% of the vote. A record number voted for this referendum – 214,656 people voted “yes.” This vote is symbolic of all that is good in this community and why many of us live and do business here. 

SRQ Daily: The Negative Effects of Inclusionary Housing

SRQ Daily: Vote Yes on the School Board Referendum

The School Board Referendum renewal is on the last page of your ballot this year. This renewal, which is supported and funded by most of the business community and local foundations, is fundamental to our county’s future and our “A” rated school district. This historically widely supported referendum is important for retaining and recruiting our teachers, enhancing workforce training, upgrading our schools with technology and improving school safety and classroom security