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SRQ Daily: Sarasota School District Sinking in District Rankings

SRQ Daily: Sarasota School District Sinking in District Rankings

District and school scores are published on schools throughout the state of Florida. It is a unique ability to compare school districts and schools and understand where we are at. While COVID has put a hiccup into how these scores are used, and there are no letter...

SRQ Daily: Advocates Push for School Tax Renewal

SRQ Daily: Advocates Push for School Tax Renewal

Regardless, even groups who criticize the school district support continuing the tax. Christine Robinson, executive director of The Argus Foundation, in an SRQ Daily column Saturday criticized limits on public input at School Board meetings but still wrote of the...

SRQ Daily: Advocates Push for School Tax Renewal

SRQ Daily Op-Ed – Pass the School Board Referendum for Our Kids

In light of COVID-19 and the amount that our kids have suffered in their education over the past two years, we need to make sure we are properly funding education and helping students achieve now more than ever. This referendum is needed. To be very clear, The Argus...

SRQ Daily: Advocates Push for School Tax Renewal

SRQ Daily Op-Ed – Fiscal Accountability on Display for Rescue Funds

I was delighted to see the County Commission insist upon a plan for any affordable housing money allocated that does more than check the box, as Commissioner Christian Ziegler so aptly stated. All of the commission expressed wanting to see results. A victory is not in...