In The News

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Observer: Sarasota County Commission cuts will affect at-risk children

Observer: Sarasota County Commission cuts will affect at-risk children

The Sarasota County Commission recently voted against funding parental choice school readiness childcare.

Commissioners cut $510,000 from the program, the amount voted through last year, and turned their back on a long-term partnership with the Legislature and governor. And to make matters worse, that cut likely will cause the loss of an additional $292,000 in matching state funds for parental choice in school readiness.

SRQ Daily: In Florida, Commissioners Can’t Just Say No

SRQ Daily: In Florida, Commissioners Can’t Just Say No

You hear it often from people who want to see Sarasota County and its cities frozen in time, “commissioners need to stop all of this building.” It is a fascinating premise to think a commissioner would have this sort of power, to issue a moratorium on building.
In reality, in Florida, they don’t. In Florida, private property owners have rights that have special protection due to the Bert J. Harris, Jr. Act.

Sun Newspapers: Foundations seek budget redux

Sun Newspapers: Foundations seek budget redux

SARASOTA — Regional foundations are urging Sarasota County commissioners to reconsider recent votes to cut funding. In a letter signed by leaders of four nonprofit foundations, they pinpointed the June 5 vote on county human service funding and suggests a “second look” at funding high-scoring requests to “prevent expensive future crisis care.”

SRQ Daily: In Florida, Commissioners Can’t Just Say No

SRQ Daily: Transparency by Elected Officials Needs Improvement

Some heavy decisions have recently been made at many local governments without the open transparency that should be provided to the public. Decisions are being made, and based upon, important documents or considerations without the public getting to see those documents in advance of meetings. This usurps the ability of the public to comment on the information in the documents, or even understand the decision.

SRQ Daily: In Florida, Commissioners Can’t Just Say No

SRQ Daily: Business Tax Should Be Retained

On June 4 in Venice, the County Commission will be having a discussion on eliminating the business license tax in Sarasota County. The Argus Foundation supports the continuation of the business license tax for a public-private partnership for economic development.