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SRQ Daily: Affordable Housing Data available through University of Florida

SRQ Daily: Affordable Housing Data available through University of Florida

Contained within University of Florida, there is a department focused on Florida housing called The Shimberg Center for Housing. According to their website, they “work in close partnership with Florida Housing Finance Corporation to provide data and analysis to guide Florida’s affordable housing efforts.” This center has research, publications, a data clearinghouse and the Flood Hazard + Housing Information Network for Florida Coastal Communities

SRQ Daily: Affordable Housing Data available through University of Florida

SRQ Daily: Science and Social Studies Scores a Mixed Bag

The Argus Foundation over the last two months has taken Florida Department of Education data from the end of year assessment scores to compare Sarasota County Schools, and schools within the district, in English and in math. This month we are going to cover science and social studies.

SRQ Daily: Affordable Housing Data available through University of Florida

SRQ Daily: Student Scores Signal Serious Situation

The Argus Foundation last month began to publish scores from the Florida Department of Education comparing the Sarasota School District to the state average and other districts and also comparing our schools within the district. We began with English Language Arts and from there, we compared the data sets for math.

SRQ Daily: Affordable Housing Data available through University of Florida

SRQ Daily: Sarasota Schools Data Dig 2022-2023

The newest scores for the state, school districts and individual schools have been published by the Florida Department of Education for the 2022-2023 school year. This year marks the beginning of new standards and assessments across the state

SRQ Daily: Affordable Housing Data available through University of Florida

SRQ Daily: Sarasota Must Remain Focused on Intent with Attainable Housing

The City of Sarasota is in the middle of some very important and very difficult zoning text amendments to encourage the building of attainable housing within the city, especially in downtown. It is not an easy piece of legislation and has been years in the making as it started with some very difficult comprehensive plan amendments that required a supermajority vote.