Grateful for Kerry Kirschner’s leadership

Rick Piccolo
Rick Piccolo

Most people would expect this column to concentrate on the coronavirus and its effect on air travel. So far, it has impacted international travel to several countries, and it is beginning to have a negative effect on domestic travel, especially if the transmission continues.

The Sarasota Bradenton International Airport, in its efforts to fight the spread of this virus, has stepped up its cleaning frequencies of counter surfaces, doorknobs, railings, and buttons, as most other facilities have done worldwide.

The best advice for the traveling public is to exercise good hygiene by washing your hands frequently, use hand cleaner, and cover up when coughing or sneezing. While it is advisable to exercise caution and stay vigilant to any changes, the obsequious media coverage of this viral strain may be whipping everyone into a frenzy. It is important to remain calm while using common sense precautions.

But on a more local note, writing this column gives an opportunity to dedicate the rest of my comments to an individual who recently passed; someone who had a profound and positive effect on our community, including the airport. Kerry Kirschner, previously executive director of the Argus Foundation, passed away March 4th. Kerry served this community both as an elected official and a human public policy dynamo for many years, always focused on encouraging open discussion and thoughtful public policy solutions.

In 1995, when I first arrived at the airport, the governance of the airport was determined by a vote in both Manatee and Sarasota counties every two years. The airport had no taxing power, so the selection of the airport governing body directly by the populace was very unusual; no other airport in the country had that arrangement, unless it had taxing power. The airport supported its total operating budget through its business operations just like it does today.

As with any political race, it is necessary to show the electorate why there is need for a change, if at all. While many fine people served on the board, it was infamous for its controversy and political infighting. This dysfunction hurt the airport’s efforts to attract air service, manage employees, gain community confidence and set a path for the future. Most people, including both county commissions, were concerned the airport would fall into financial emergency and the counties would have to bail it out with local taxpayer dollars.

Very early in my tenure, Kerry met with me to learn what the issues were and how he could help. He set up a luncheon with over thirty prominent leaders that afforded me the opportunity to explain the structure, financial status, and business model of the airport, and this started a collaborative effort to change things for the benefit of the community.

In addition to his Argus duties, Kerry had a public access television show in those days, and I was invited several times to explain the challenges the airport faced both from a competitive and governance standpoint. Kerry was convinced of the need to make changes to the airport governance and worked collaboratively with business, political, and media leaders to get the discussion moving in a positive direction on how best to fix the structural problems that the elected board model presented.

That began a multi-year process of educating various leaders in the bi-county area and the establishment of the Airport Advisory Council, whose first chairman was Kerry Kirschner. The council made ,up of various business, political, and civic organization leaders, remains in place today and continues to provide valuable input and assistance to the board and the staff.

The Florida Legislature put to referendum the governance model of the airport in the year 200,0 and both local newspapers endorsed a change to appointed board members. By an overwhelming majority, the voters in both counties chose to change the governance from elected to appointed. It is unusual for people to surrender their ability to vote on anything, but the groundwork that Kerry helped put in place was a significant factor in getting the community educated to the airport’s importance and making a much needed and very helpful change to the airport’s governance.

Given that 20 years have passed since that change, I am sure many residents have no idea what a significant and positive impact Kerry had on the airport and the community. I did not want the opportunity to pass without recognizing his efforts and how grateful we all should be for his guidance and assistance over the years. He will be missed.

Rick Piccolo has been president and chief executive officer of Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport since 1995 and serves on various international aviation, business and charitable boards. He can be contacted at